About Us

Celebrating Over 70 Years of Making it Simple,
So You Can Make it Amazing.

Yes, there really was a Mrs. Wages, a feisty lady who loved to put up food from her garden. Since 1950, Mrs. Wages has made cooking more enjoyable, so you can take the credit.

She and her husband had a country store near Tupelo, Mississippi, way back in the early ’50s that was a gathering spot for local farmers. It was an old fashioned store where folks came for everything from horse harnesses to ice cream…and the latest gossip.

Then, in the late ’60s, a friend, Mr. Erskin Dacus of Dacus Drug Co., dropped by the store. He was looking for a good pickling lime recipe to add to a line of home canning products he was putting together and was overheard by shoppers, who immediately recommended Mrs. Wages’ recipe. And the rest is history: Dacus tried Mrs. Wages’ recipe and bought it on the spot and the Mrs. Wages family recipe was an instant hit.

And while Mrs. Wages is gone, her line of home canning products is still around…and still produced with the same fussy commitment to quality and wholesomeness that made it a favorite 70 years ago. Better still, it’s available nationwide and includes a full array of products for pickling, canning, jelly making and more. That’s seven decades taking the hassle out of cooking so you can take the credit without ever sacrificing flavor.

Celebrating 70 years of making you look good in the kitchen, we remain as committed to quality…and to home canning…as ever. So if you’ve got a favorite recipe to share or a question about home canning you’d like to ask…give us a holler. Just send our home canning team an email and we’ll get back to you, quick as we can.