Canning Information

Ready to preserve like a pro?
This year, you can too.

For the latest information on home canning…from safety tips, to basics, or hints from the pros, follow the links below.

Getting Started

Canning Safety

Canning Basics

Frequently Asked Questions

Our History

Take a look back at the milestones that have preserved Mrs. Wages® reputation as your trusted partner in the kitchen. We are proud of our high standards of quality that have truly stood the test of time.


It all started with a feisty lady named Mrs. Wages who loved to put up food from her garden. She and her husband had a country store near Tupelo, Mississippi, way back in the early ‘50s that was a gathering spot for local farmers.


A friend, Mr. Erskin Dacus of Dacus Drug Co., dropped by the store to inquire about a pickling lime recipe to add to a line of home canning products he was developing. Customers overheard the conversation and recommended Mrs. Wages’ recipe. Mr. Dacus tried her recipe and the rest is history! He bought her recipe on the spot and it became an instant hit.


MID 1970s

Mrs. Wages® includes original pickle mixes (spices), vinegar, sealing wax, pickling lime, pickling salt, citric acid, fresh fruit preserver, and Home-Jell Fruit Pectin.

LATE 1970s

Pasta Sauce, Pizza Sauce, and Chili Base are introduced.



Dacus Foods was incorporated.


Introduced Taco Sauce, Light Fruit Pectin Home-Jell, & Pickle It

LATE 1980s-90s

Salsa Line was introduced.



Precision Foods Inc., acquires Dacus Foods of Tupelo, MS specializing in dry canning and pickling products.


PFI admin moves to St. Louis, MO from Tupelo, MS.


PFI moves admin functions from Tupelo, MS to St. Louis, MO. Tupelo remains open as a production facility.



PFI moves into a new 125,000 square foot facility in Bolingbrook, IL & closes Tupelo, MS facility.

EARLY 2000s

New logo is launched for a full rebrand. Ranch Products were launched.

mrs wages logo


Introduced different heat levels for the Salsa line.


New Product Additions: Guacamole, Spicy Pickle Mix, Taco & Fajita Seasoning Mixes, Pepper Jack Queso, Fruit Pie Fillings & Juices, Margarita, Salsa Con Queso, Zesty Potato Topper, 1 Step Kimchi, & 1 Step Coleslaws